Discovering My Heritage with AncestryDNA

My father is a Spanish mestizo while my mother is a Chinese mestiza. Having multiracial parents have impacted me in several ways during my formative years. Growing up in the Philippines, it is easier for me to relate to the Filipino culture of course. However, I was taught some Spanish and Chinese customs so I could have a positive identity on my tri-ethnic background and a better understanding of my parents’ cultural differences. When I was younger, my father once took a pen and a piece of paper and broke down the different percentages of my ethnicities. But thanks to the advancement of DNA technology now we can truly discover my heritage with AncestryDNA.

But before I explain how the AncestryDNA kit works and delve on my test results, I want you to know a little more about my family background. Grab some biscuits and tea because this is a long discussion.

First Generation – The Maternal Lineage of my Father’s

According to research and records, the furthest we can trace back on my paternal lineage is to my paternal great-great-grandfather, Salvador Lluch. He was the son of Salvador Lluch and Rosa Enistar Sotto and was born around the 1860s in Vellimeli, Valencia, Spain.

Image result for valencia catalonia france
Valencia is located in the region called Catalonia and the Lluches are confirmed Catalans.

“LLUCH – Ancient and noble lineage of Catalan origin. A branch passed to the Balearic Islands.

This family crest describes the general Catalan nobility of Don Felix Domenech y Roura as follows:

ARMS – Quartered Shield
1: and 4: In a golden field is an ox in gules.
2: and 3: In azure, a silver mill wheel with the saber cube.

Brochante is completely over an ox’s neck, with a gold padlock, from which a gold key also hangs.”

It is said that he was enlisted into the army of Queen Isabella II and was then deployed to Cuba to help quell rebellions against the Spanish rule. But it was later discovered that he was actually helping the Cubans fight for their independence instead. And because of that, he was exiled to the Philippines (a Spanish colony that time) along with his comrades who sided with the Cubans.

He eventually ended up in Iligan and met my native Filipina great-great-grandmother, Leoncia “Ama” Lluisma Taborra, daughter of Timeteo Taborra and Salustiana Lluisma. His persistence in pursuing her, plus through the intervention of his friend Antonio Bartolome Sr. (more about him later), ended in marriage. Together they had 7 mestizo children – one of them is Gregorio Taborra Lluch.

Second Generation – The Maternal Lineage of my Father’s

My paternal great-grandfather, Gregorio Taborra Lluch married my paternal great-grandmother, Juaña Torres Actub (whose roots were said to be from Leyte – could Lucy Torres-Gomez be our distant relative? hehe). Together they had eight children, one of them is my paternal grandmother, Virginia Actub Lluch.

Side note: After the death of my great-grandmother, my great-grandfather was wed to Mauricia Balbin and together they have 6 children plus 1 adopted child.

Trivia: Iligan’s City Hospital is named after my great-grandfather and the school across it is named after my great-grandmother.

First Generation – The Paternal Lineage of my Father’s

Antonio Bartolome Sr. was born in a province of central Spain named Soria on June 13, 1872. He was a layman who was said to have fled from Spain due to familial problems. According to records of the Augustian Recoletos of the Province of San Nicolas de Tolentino of the Philippines, he embarked on a journey from Barcelona to the Philippines on September 14, 1894. He made it to the shores of Manila a month after and was later ordained into the Augustinian Order upon arrival in Cebu City on September 15, 1895. He was then assigned to Mindanao to help spread Christianity but he ended up marrying my native Filipina great-grandmother, Francisca Badelles Nadayag. Together they had 3 mestizo children (sadly one died before reaching adolescence), one of them is my paternal grandfather, Antonio Bartolome Jr.

Side note: Although my paternal great-grandfather was married, he was still working actively as a friar until his untimely death. My great-grandmother, later on, remarried but she had no children with her second husband.

Second Generation – The Paternal Lineage of my Father’s

My paternal grandfather and paternal grandmother together had six children – my father being the 2nd child.

Side note: My grandfather sired children with several other women but that’s a story for another day.


In contrast to my father’s side of the family, not much is known about my maternal grandparents. But what I do know is that my maternal grandfather, Un Tiam Lim Khu, was a Taiwanese national who traveled to the Philippines and left his first family in Taiwan. When he made his way to Iligan, he met and then later married my native Filipina maternal grandmother, Luisa Cuevas Suñiega whose roots hailed somewhere from Dumaguete. Together they have nine children – my mother being their 7th child.

Side note: My maternal grandmother begot a child out of wedlock before she met my maternal grandfather. On the other hand, my maternal grandfather sired a child(or who knows maybe children?) when he was traveling in the Philippines before he met my maternal grandmother. That’s also a story for another day.


To sum up everything before I proceed to explain how the AncestryDNA DNA kit test works and show my results, here is a visual diagram of my genealogy:

As I have known all my life, my father is 37.5% Spanish (more accurately Catalan and Spanish but I could not be bothered to get too technical about it) and my mother is 50% Chinese. So that should make me 18.75% Spanish, 25% Chinese, and 56.25% Filipino right? But we’ll see what AncestryDNA has to say about that.


While there are several genealogical DNA test kits available online, I specifically chose AncestryDNA because they have the most extensive database of DNA results for comparison. It allows results to be stored indefinitely plus it can also connect me with people who match with my DNA through anonymous messaging. But also because… it’s what my best friend got for me as pasalubong hehe. 😉

The AncestryDNA kit comes with an instruction booklet, a collection tube, a collection bag, and a mailing box.

The instructions are very easy to follow. First, set up an AncestryDNA account on their website and activate the kit online using the 15-digit activation code from the collection tube. Next, spit in the collection tube (no eating, drinking, smoking or chewing gum for 30 minutes before giving saliva sample), remove funnel from collection tube, seal it tightly with a cap that releases a stabilizing solution, shake it for a minimum of 5 minutes, and place the collection tube inside the collection bag. Finally, place it inside the prepaid mailing box, ship it, and then it’s a waiting game after that…


After three very long weeks, I got an email that my result was finally published on my here is my result:

I’m not gonna lie… the result is definitely SHOCKING. The AncestryDNA test result not only revealed what I kinda knew about my ancestry but it also showed how much I didn’t know about it!

While I was surprised to see France (Catalans live very close to the French border so I was able to wrap my mind around it easily), I was completely caught off-guard to see Turkey/Caucasus, Ireland/Scotland, Vietnam, and Sweden. And I know I said that my mother is 50% Chinese so why in the world am I only 5% Chinese then? This rhetorical question may never be fully satisfied until my mother also gets her ancestry DNA tested. But I do know how DNA is passed on from parent to child is not as simple as we think. Just because I have the potential to inherit 25% of her Chinese gene doesn’t automatically mean I get to have it all. This could explain why siblings with mixed ancestry look more mestizo or less mestizo depending on how much of which genes they were able to inherit.


I have not regretted one bit about taking this test because my AncestryDNA test result has shed more light on my lineage. Thanks to them I am able to connect with relatives from around the world who are also registered on their database. Plus, I have more places to look forward to visiting based on my geographical ancestry. And although I know myself differently now, it has not at all changed with how I still choose to identify myself culturally.

I highly recommend this kit to everyone. The more the AncestryDNA database and network grow, the more the results become refine, accurate and detailed. You can purchase the AncestryDNA kit on Amazon.

How to Order your Marriage Certificate Online in the Philippines

For a convenient and hassle-free transaction, order your marriage certificate online through PSAHelpline. You can also process certificates for birth, death, and singleness on this website.

Here’s the step-by-step procedure on how to do order your marriage certificate online:

1. Located on the upper right hand of the homepage, click Order Now on the navigation bar.

2. Choose Marriage Contract.

3. Select the option that best fits the purpose of your request. In my case, I chose Others and typed in “Personal Copy”

4. Fill out the Marriage Certificate Application Form.

5. Choose the option which best applies to you. For my application, it’s None.

6. Indicate the requester and authorized representative/s to receive the marriage certificate should there be any.

7. Almost done! To check out, just provide the information necessary to complete the transaction.

8. Finally, the last step! You can choose to send your payment online or over-the-counter through authorized payment channels.

While the marriage certificate only costs 140 PHP, ordering from PSAHelpine will set you back 350 PHP. This is already inclusive of the delivery fee and transaction fee. Not a bad price to pay for convenience.

Once you’d paid, you can then check the status of your certificate by selecting Check Status on the navigation bar. Just enter your reference number.

Tip: Call PSAHelpline (02) 737-1111 and ask for the courier of your certificate plus the tracking number to track your certificate better. Do note that your marriage certificate will not be available until 3 months after the solemnization of your wedding.

How to Get Married in the Philippines

To be married in the Philippines, one should be at least 18 years old and must be without any legal impediments.

Welcome to the most mundane and unromantic part of getting married… DOING THE PAPERWORK. Contrary to what we see on TV, we can’t just run off to the nearest church right after the engagement.

Here are the requirements and steps on how to get married in the Philippines:


  • Barangay Clearance and Community Tax Certificate (Cedula)
    To obtain your barangay clearance and community tax certificate, you have to get your purok clearance first from your purok president. Once that’s done, you can proceed to the barangay hall, present a valid ID together with your purok clearance.
    Cost: 50 PHP
  • PSA Birth Certificate
    You can either walk-in to the nearest PSA center or send your request online here.
    Cost: 140 PHP (walk-in) or 350 PHP (online)
  • PSA Certificate of No Marriage (CENOMAR)
    Same as stated for the PSA Birth Certificate.
  • POPCOM Pre-marriage Counseling Certificate
    To secure the pre-marriage counseling certificate, go to the Commission on Population office, fill up the registration form and attend the pre-marriage counseling orientation together with your future spouse. The certificate will be released after the orientation and once the counseling fee is paid. I recommend attending the pre-marriage counseling orientation first before applying for your marriage license. This way, you save one trip going back to the Office of the City Civil Registrar.
    Cost: 100 PHP
  • 1 Recent 1×1 Photos
    Photo must be taken in the last 6 months
  • Marriage License Application Form
    Personally submit all the documents stated above to the Office of the City Civil Registrar – Marriage Division and fill up the application form for marriage license together with your partner. Two witnesses are required to also sign the form. Once all the necessary steps are complied with and the processing fee has been paid, the marriage license will be released after 10 working days. With the marriage license, you can get married anywhere in the Philippines within 120 days from date of issue. Keep in mind that a marriage contracted with an expired marriage license is tantamount to marrying without a marriage license and will be therefore considered void from the beginning. Cost: 300 PHP

Important Note: Ensure all details are correct, keep all receipts and secure photocopies of all documents.


  • Affidavit of Parental Consent
    For applicants aged 18-21 years of age only
  • Affidavit of Parental Advice
    For applicants aged 22-25 years of age only
  • Death Certificate of Deceased Spouse
    For widow or widower applicants only 
  • Court Decision and Certificate of Finality
    For annulled or divorced applicants only


  • Certificate of Legal Capacity to Contract Marriage
    Obtained from the consulate or embassy in the Philippines
  • Photocopy of the Passport
    Pages showing personal information and date of arrival


  • Baptismal & Confirmation Certificates
    Get both your baptismal and confirmation certificates from the church(es) that you have been baptized and confirmed with an annotation “FOR MARRIAGE PURPOSES ONLY” not more than 3 months prior your wedding day.
  • Banns
    Visit your parochial office at least 3 months prior the wedding day for the publishing of your wedding banns. Banns are simply public announcements (usually a month long) made in the church where you are getting married and in your respective parishes.
  • Canonical Interview
    Schedule for the canonical interview is usually given upon application and payment of the reservation fee. The interview will be conducted by a parish priest or parish assistant.
  • Certification of Pre-Marriage Seminar Attendance
    After the canonical interview, the schedule for pre-wedding seminar will be given or just inquire at the parish office. There are other independent organizations that provide seminars for couples which are recognized by some churches. You and your partner may like to check out Catholic Engaged Encounter, Center for Family Minitries and Discovery Weekend Philipines.
  • Marriage Permit
    Secure your marriage permits from your respective parishes and submit them to the parish office of your chosen venue. 
  • List of Principal Sponsors
    Submit the list of your principal sponsors – ninongs and ninangs – along with their addresses to the parish office one week before the wedding date. Church policy requires a minimum of 2 principal sponsors and a maximum of 6. Penalties may apply for exceeding the allowable number of principal sponsors.


A marriage is considered to be null and void in the absence of a marriage license. However, there are special instances provided under the 1987 Family Code of the Philippines Chapter 1, Article 27 to 34 where marriages are exempted from obtaining the requirements for marriage license. The conditions are as follows:

  • In Articulo Mortis
    Marriages when either or both parties are at the point of death. The marriage will remain valid even when the ailing party survives.
  • No Means of Transportation
    Marriages when either or both parties live in far flung places with no means of transportation going to the Local Civil Registrar.
  • Five Year Cohabitation 
    Marriages of couples who have lived together as husband and wife for a minimum of 5 continuous years and are free from any legal impediments. An Affidavit of Cohabitation must be executed.
  • Islamic and Ethic Weddings
    Under the Code of Muslim Personal Laws of the Philippines and the Organic Act of the Cordillera Autonomous Region, marriages among Muslims or among members of the ethnic cultural communities of the Cordillera Autonomous Region that are solemnized in accordance with their customs, rites, or practices are also exempted from marriage license requirements. Other ethnic groups, however, are still governed by the 1987 Family Code of the Philippines.


According to the 1987 Family Code of the Philippines Chapter 1, Article 7, the following are authorized to solemnize marriages:

  • Any incumbent member of the judiciary within the court’s jurisdiction
    For those who want to be wed outside the chambers or courtroom of the judge/court justice, the protocol is to submit a notarized document requesting for the officiant to solemnize the marriage at your chosen venue. Keep in mind that while the marriage can take place outside the the chambers or courtroom, the judge or court justice cannot officiate outside of the area he/she is appointed. For example, a judge from Iligan City cannot solemnize a wedding in Cagayan de Oro City.
    Click here to check the master list of incumbent members of the judiciary.
  • Any authorized priest, rabbi, imam, or minister of any church or religious sect
    Approach your religious leaders for any additional info and requirements on getting hitched in your church.
    Click here to search for authorized religious solemnizing officers in your area.
  • Any ship captain or airplane chief
    Only in the case mentioned in Article 31 of the Family Code
  • Any military commander of a unit
    Only in the cases mentioned in Article 32 of the Family Code
  • Any consul-general, consul or vice-consul
    Only in the case provided in Article 10 of the Family Code

In addition, according to the Local Government Code of 1991 Chapter 3, Article 1, Section 444 (xviii) and  Section 445 (xviii), municipal mayors and city mayors are also authorized to solemnize marriages.


  • Write a Letter of Intent to Marry and submit that together with your Marriage License to the Regional/Municipal Trial Court.
  • Pay the solemnization fee of 800 PHP.
  • Your wedding date and presiding judge will be assigned to you through a raffle process.
  • Bring at least two witnesses on the day and get married!


  • Write a Letter of Intent to Marry and submit that together with your Marriage License to the Office of the City/Municipal Mayor.
  • Check for available dates and set the day of your wedding.
  • Pay the solemnization fee of 500 PHP.
  • Bring at least two witnesses on the day and get married!

Important Note: Fees may vary depending on your location.


  • Office of the Civil Registrar & Office of the City Mayor
    Iligan City Hall, Buhanginan Hill, 9200, Iligan City
  • Commission on Population (POPCOM) Office
    Tambo Integrated Bus Terminal, Iligan City
    Landmark: Super 5
  • Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) Office
    Barnuevo Building, Badelles Ext, Iligan City
    Landmark: Zoey Cafe Palao

How to Plan Your Own Budget Wedding

Congratulations! You’re now engaged to the love of your life and you can’t wait to walk down that aisle. But you don’t know where to start when it comes to planning your very own wedding with a limited budget. Well, gurlllll… I gotchu. But this is going to be a looong post so go grab some tea and biscuits.

When it comes to planning your own wedding, Time is your best friend. I suggest to take at least a year to do all the planning. It’s never too early to start. Don’t procrastinate so you can still book your favorite wedding suppliers for your big day. You need to set up a to-do list even for mundane tasks such as getting a facial or choosing textiles so you won’t leave anything out.

Tip: Be Resourceful
Read lots of wedding planning books or download free apps such as WeddingHappy to help you out. You can also preview a draft of my customized wedding planning spreadsheet here. Lemme know if you want a copy so I can email it to you.

Extra Hands
Planning your own wedding can be overwhelming and, as someone who did it, I swear that you can’t do it alone. Consider asking family and friends to assist you with certain tasks. Most likely, they will be thrilled to help for FREE!

Weddings are now a multi-million peso industry and it is said that an average wedding nowadays would cost around 200000~500000 PHP (that’s almost a quarter to half a million pesos). Bombarded with visuals of extravagant weddings online on a daily basis (who can forget that ostentatious DongYan wedding?) plus the cultural pressure of inviting every relative and friend, planning your own wedding can be financially straining. Be firm and stay realistic with your budget. If you have people who can contribute, then great! See where you can stretch but stop when the figures get uncomfortable. Remember, your wedding is only one day. Your marriage, however, is a lifetime. You still wanna have savings and money to pay for your bills the day after.

But worry not, having a “luxury” wedding on a modest budget is absolutely possible. In fact, we made it happened! It’s all about allocating money on what’s most important first and the rest will follow.

Having a mood board is a must so you can better visualize the overall look and feel of the wedding. Not only does this help you determine what you need and don’t need, but it also gives you an idea if your vision is within your budget’s reach. Make Pinterest your personal hero and check out lifestyle blogs, websites, and magazines for more inspiration.

When choosing vendors, you almost always get what you pay for. But the best way to get more for your money is when you go for reputable young professionals who already have a good head start in their career.

Our wedding photographer is a prime example. You can check out Jasper Cuizon’s portfolio on his website.

Tip: Research
Visit wedding sites, get familiar with local wedding suppliers and do several background checks before booking a vendor. You don’t want to get scammed like us. Know our story. 

Tip: Do It Yourself
However, you can also opt to do some things yourself. Aside from planning our own wedding, I did my own makeup and I designed the invitations as well.

Invitations and Stationery 
Believe it or not, invitations and wedding stationery can be costly. With the advent of the Internet, save-the-date cards, invitations, maps, thank you notes, programs and others can be sent electronically. But make sure to still produce enough physical copies for posterity purposes.

Bouquet,  Boutonnière and Other Floral Arrangements
Creating your own floral arrangements with handpicked wildflowers and foliage is a good way to cut costs. But arranging flowers is actually much harder than it looks and it’s definitely not for everyone. Should you decide to hire someone, help your florist choose flowers that are locally available and are in season.

Tip: Embellish
Adding accessories to the base of your bouquet will give it a personal touch. For my bouquet, I pinned a locket with a vintage photo of my husband’s parents as a way of honoring them.

Rings are the symbolic representation of your love and fidelity to your spouse. While it would be wise to shell out a little more for something you’d wear for the rest of your life, you can always buy affordable ones for show and upgrade when you’re ready.

Tip: Recycle
In our case, our wedding bands were made from my husband’s vintage gold necklace that was given to him by his sister. We only spent on the labor cost which is only a fraction of the price compared to getting brand new wedding bands.

Who says you need to go to a bridal atelier for your wedding dress? If renting is not an option for you, try scouring for white dresses in boutiques, online stores, and even thrift shops. Another good place to look at would be second-hand bridal dress sites like Stillwhite.

I got my dress on sale from Robinsons and it only cost me a shocking 900 PHP!

Tip: Borrow
My husband borrowed his childhood best friend’s belt and his brother-in-law’s watch.

When it comes to choosing a venue, think outside the box. You don’t have to go traditional. There are lots of interesting places which can be a great venue to hold a wedding celebration for so much less (or possibly free of charge) such as a campus, public library, house, museum, park, barn, forest… your imagination is the limit!

Once you’ve done your research and decided on the location and setting of your wedding, choose a date where people are less likely to get married. By going off-season, you can cut back on a lot of costs.

Another way of saving is by having the reception and ceremony in one venue.

My husband and I got married in a small, beautiful cafe that doesn’t need much sprucing up. Since the ceremony and reception are in the same place, we saved a lot on decor and other miscellaneous expenses.

Catering & Guests
Keep in mind that one of the major chunks of wedding expenses go to the cost of feeding your guests. One way to forcibly save is by choosing a venue with small seating capacity. The fewer the guests, the more you can save.

Tip: Keep it a private affair
By not announcing your engagement and/or wedding on social media, you won’t feel obligated to invite that annoying co-worker, gossiping aunt or creepy uncle of yours.

On our special day, we only invited our family and closest friends.

Don’t forget that some of your wedding suppliers such as photographer and videographer will count as guests! So make sure to include them during the headcount.

Also, by opting for a buffet than a sit-down menu can save you hundreds to thousands of pesos. For the same amount of food, you can be charged up to 10 times less when you go for a buffet catering.

Fondant and tiered cakes are ridiculously expensive! I suggest you skip the wedding cake. For the price of one, you can have a dessert bar with cakes and other goodies. That’s what we did for our wedding. Look for an artisan cake shop that can supply.

Bridal Car
This is another thing you can skip. No one will miss it. You can always drive your own car, carpool orrrr… book a GrabCar Premium driver and politely ask if you can place a flower arrangement or whatever decor you have just for the duration of the ride. You’re welcome!

Instead of hiring a band, ask your musically-inclined friends to play for your wedding.

Arranging your own wedding playlist will also come in handy. Try these suggestions from A Practical Wedding.

If you and your partner are early birds, having a brunch wedding will help you save on extra costs such as lights rental.

The venue that we chose for our wedding already had good lighting so we didn’t need to rent lights anymore. Instead, we had some candles lit up to create precious lighting that can set a romantic mood without breaking the bank.

Throw an After-party
An optional choice: think of throwing a “second reception” (read: low key informal party) for guests that you can’t accommodate on the wedding day. That way they still get to feel included while you can save on a lot of money. It’s a win-win scenario!

While I am a strong advocate against haggling, never hesitate to ask your suppliers on where you can cut back on certain costs. Sometimes they have items in their wedding packages that you may not need after all.

Miscellaneous Expenses
All the little expenses can add up if not planned for. So make sure to list them down to keep track of your budget.

Miscellaneous expenses include but are not limited to: corkage fees, overtime charges, service fees, damage/loss fees of rented goods, cancellation dues, and transportation costs.

You’ve finally reached the bottom of this post. Hooray!

Planning your own wedding can get overwhelming and hectic. When stressed, take a break and enjoy the process.

Remember: having too many opinions can create more doubt and confusion. Just know what you want, stick to it and, if needed, make compromises along the way. God bless you on your personal journey to a blissful married life and have fun!


Four months have already passed since my husband and I got hitched yet people still do talk about our wedding. It’s unbelievable!


Up to now, we are still blown away by how well our wedding was received by family, friends and some random people on social media.

We are incredibly blessed to have worked with these suppliers.

Thanks to them, we got featured on both Cherryblossoms and Faeriewings and Bride and Breakfast!!!


Yoradyl Dawn – Event Stylist
Jai Villalon – Hair Stylist
Jasper Cuizon – Photographer


Van Cabulong – Emcee


Maison de Bonbon – Catering and Venue

However, there is one thing that everyone should know…

Facebook is only but a highlight reel and underneath our guise of smile is a story that has caused us severe stress-induced anxiety, emotional meltdowns, and undue financial burden.

Here’s how it all started…

When I was scouting for event stylists from CDO, I found Badz Castro on Facebook and I immediately fell in love with his work. After doing an obligatory background check, I discovered that he was hired by people we know and that he has already worked with some of the popular wedding suppliers in Northern Mindanao. On top of that, he was featured on Bride and Breakfast a couple of times. So it only made sense *at that time* to get him as our event stylist.

A few exchanges of messages later, my husband and I traveled all the way to CDO to meet him at Maison de Bonbon on the 21st of September last year to discuss important matters and for our contract signing.


On that day, we handed Badz Castro 5000 PHP as our deposit to book him for our wedding day and signed the contract. We even treated him for lunch.


Weeks later after we met, we gave him another 5000 PHP purportedly to secure the flowers and foliage needed for our wedding. This time, we sent it to his Metrobank account on the 12th of October.

It wasn’t long after that we had a hard time trying to reach him.

Either he won’t receive our calls or he deliberately turned his phone off. It’s also worth noting that he was online most of the time yet he still chose to ignore all of the messages I left on his inbox.


In case you want to see our Facebook chat from beginning to end, as well as the contract, I have uploaded them on Dropbox.

Unfortunately for us, when I was looking for reviews about him prior the contract signing, I haven’t found any negative feedback at all. Not one.

Our traumatic experience has put such a huge weight on my shoulders to let other people know about him. I feel it’s my moral obligation to warn couples especially all the hands-on brides who are planning and coordinating their very own wedding like I did.

Apparently, ours is not an isolated case. I found a recent post about him on a Facebook group.


I sent Ghin Lubrino-Sermana a message to know more about her experience with Badz Castro and this is what she had to say:


I guess we got a little bit luckier that Badz Castro only ran off 10000 PHP from us. But 10000 PHP is still nothing to be sneezed at.

We have already filed a police report in CDO but that didn’t do anything. We’ve also brought this issue up to NBI CDO yet they refused to cooperate. I think we need to pull some strings but we don’t have any strong connections in CDO sadly.

Because of his fraudulent act, we lost sleep trying to find ways on how to bounce back from this ordeal. My husband and I ended up spending more money than we originally planned – money that we didn’t even have.

But thankfully, God is good. After several emotional meltdowns, anxiety attacks and countless prayers later, we found Ma’am Yoradyl Dawn on Facebook. She was such a blessing. Despite the 3-week notice, she was able to transform my vision into a reality. I’m so grateful that we were able to pull through it all in the end.


Remember this face and name.

May this post serve as a stern warning to everyone who’s getting married.





Update 1:  After I sent an email to Bride and Breakfast requesting to remove any mention of his name, he can no longer be found on their website.


Update 2: After interrogating a handful of people, I found out that he has been fooling clueless couples for a while now. I am not writing this post in the hopes of getting our money back (although that would be great). All I want is for justice to be served.

To all wedding suppliers, please warn your clients about Badz Castro AND don’t work with him anymore because his scamming spree needs to be stopped.

I urge everyone who featured him on any social media platform to remove his name so to avoid other people from falling prey to this fraud.

If you have been a victim of this person and would want to take legal action against him, my husband and I are very much willing to cooperate.

Just remember if something bad like this happens to you, it doesn’t mean you’re a bad person. As long as we are in this fallen world, there will always be people who are waiting to take advantage of us and we can be victims of their sins. In every bad situation, let us rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer (Romans 12:12 ESV).

If you had a bad experience with Badz Castro, please share your story and this post.

Climate Revolution in Iligan

On the 23rd of April, my friends and I attended the Climate Revolution Insta Meet held at Human Heart Nature Iligan Branch.


Jessica Wu, a representative of Climate Reality Project Philippines talked about the ugly reality of coal power and how it has affects us and the future generations.


Coal power is a leading cause of smog, acid rain, and toxic air pollution. It also has serious health effects that include respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous system problems. But did you know that despite its known negative environmental and health impact, a 540 megawatt coal power plant is already under construction in Kauswagan, Lanao del Norte? Right in Iligan’s very own backyard!

Local artists have pitched in to shed some light about this issue by reciting poems and singing songs.


Say hello to Earl…


…Drei and Porsche!


Each of us brought home a Climate Revolution goodie bag from Instagram and Human Heart Nature containing an all-natural sanitizer and cute memorabilia items.


We also got a bottle of lemongrass tea, a personal favorite!


For those who weren’t able to take part in the Climate Revolution here’s the good news… You still get a chance to join plus have this goodie bag as well! Just visit my Facebook page for instructions. Good luck!

5 Perks of Not Joining Group Tours

Although I am fully aware that getting organized group tours is the most efficient and convenient way to travel, I still prefer doing it the hard way by working on my own itinerary.

Here are 5 reasons why I think it’s better to NOT to take group tours:



Having full control of what you want to see, eat and do allows you to explore and experience things at your own pace without sticking to a strict, inflexible schedule.



Taking charge of your own adventure can be the best way to explore and learn more about the destination, its people and their culture. Immerse yourself by talking to locals, getting acquainted with their native tongue, eating traditional and street delicacies, joining festivities, taking public transportation, and visiting less-traveled sights.



Not taking a group tour means that you don’t have to be stuck with the same crowd for the entire duration of the trip. You have the freedom to interact with like-minded travelers on transit or meet up with members from a global travel community.



Traveling is more than just the journey; it’s about making memories as well. So choose your companions wisely because they can make or break your travel experience. Remember, you will be choosing activities, sharing responsibilities, working on a budget, and spending a LOT of time together. Compatibility is everything.



Without the safety net of a group tour, you become more attuned with your surroundings and the people around you. The more you discover and learn about a certain place on your own, the more you become open-minded, appreciative and respectful of its people and their culture.

Images are taken from Google Images
 and are believed to be in the public domain. No copyright infringement intended. Credit is given where it is due.

With Nothing But Faith In My Pocket

On April 23, 2013, I wrote this note:

Being a bum sucks. Being a bum at 23 sucks even more. 
I’m confused and still haven’t gotten my life figured out. I don’t know what I want to be and who I want to be. 
I do try to have a cheerful disposition and a positive outlook. But oftentimes, it can get quite tiring especially when I feel like I’m still stuck in the same vortex of void since God knows when.
Self-introspection does no good to me either. Whenever I try to assess myself… My goals, my achievements, my life… Everything starts to look dim and I begin to think that I still haven’t truly amounted to anything.  Just when I thought I had everything figured out, I haven’t. And this frustrates me the most.

All I know is that I am not where I am supposed to be right now. Literally and metaphorically.
I believe I’m lost… And that I must become my own hero to find myself before boredom, dispiritedness and self-deprecation consume me.
More than a hug or an encouragement… I need an epiphany. 
I need to talk to my innermost being and to hear the voice of my life’s calling. 
But until then, everything will remain a mystery..

Exactly 9 months ago, I launched Agent Dolly with nothing but faith in my pocket.

While most of my peers got their lives figured out and are pretty much set for life, I was still lost, confused and left in the dark.

Every single day I was crippling in fear of how my life was going to turn out for I was still unemployed and penniless.

I was stirred up from the inside and was constantly fighting a battle happening within me.

I was always pensive and I would keep asking myself questions like…

Would I ever be successful?
Would I ever get to live a comfortable life?
When do I stop becoming a loser that I am today?
When is my breakthrough coming?
Who do I really want to be?
What will become of me?
Would I really have a good future?And the more I was overthinking about my situation, the more I got filled up with negativity. Eventually, having anxiety attacks became a norm for me as I became more scared, insecure and depressed by the day.

The clouds of pessimistic thoughts hovering above my head made me doubt myself and my abilities more and more.

But I thank God that I have that one person who believes in me more than I do myself… And that is my boyfriend.

His support, gentle prodding, words of encouragement and how he reminded me of God’s promises lifted me up and kept from losing faith.

The Bible recognizes how important it is to encourage and be encouraged: “So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:11 (NLT)

And why we should have faith: “Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see.” – Hebrews 11:1 (NLT)

In the words of Martin Luther King Jr., “Faith is taking the first step even when you can’t see the whole staircase.”

And that’s exactly what I did.

Despite all the doubts, fears, negativity and lack of vision, I simply took a leap of faith and just clung on to the promises of God for me.

For He said in Jeremiah 29:11, “I alone know the plans I have for you, plans to bring you prosperity and not disaster, plans to bring about the future you hope for.” (GNT)

More importantly, I simply let go and let God work.

In Proverbs 3:5-6 it says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will make straight your paths.” (ESV)

Because I gave God the authority to work not only in my business but also in my life, all my doubts, fears, insecurities and negative thoughts just melted away. I now have vision and direction in my life. No longer do I see myself as a loser but as a victor.

And in the past 9 months, with nothing but faith in my pocket, I’ve seen my little brainchild Agent Dolly grow steadily and beautifully day by day.

imageGod is truly is faithful and for this I give thanks to the Lord.

“Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Your name goes all the glory for your unfailing love and faithfulness.” – Psalms 115:1 (NLT)

Photo Credit:
Daily Inspiration and Motivation

24 & 2 Part 2: Human Heart Nature

Just a block or two away from Little Miss Funnel Cake, we spotted a Human Heart Nature branch and we just had to walk right in.


Human Heart Nature is a chain of stores in the Philippines that sell natural and organic world-class goods at very affordable prices.

Their products are ethically-acquired and are not processed with any synthetic chemicals.


From personal care to pet care, they got your basic and furry needs covered.

What I love about this company is that they source their raw materials and manufacture their products here in the Philippines. So if you buy their products, you are not only helping the local economy but you are supporting the local farmers as well.

Another thing that I love about Human Heart Nature is their eco-consciousness. They ensure that their products don’t become toxic once released to the environment and they have a recycling program where 100% of the proceeds go to Gawad Kalinga.


Oh, hi there! 


Spotted! My boyfriend slobbering over bars of chocolate…


My boyfriend asked me if I wanted one so he could get one for me but I knew it was him who wanted one really badly. HAHA! 


We got the dark chocolate one. I didn’t get to eat much of it though because I was having a very bad cough that day. Please don’t judge the forehead. Hehe.


Boyfriend holding a bag of coffee. 


Here is a closer look of it. Don’t you just love the packaging? It was really nice of them to brew us some of this coffee so we could sample it. It was really good! I recommend that you pick this up should you bump into one of their branches that carry this.


Picked out a bottle of Sunflower Beauty Oil for myself. It’s one of their best sellers. I already tried it and it’s amazing! I use it as a make-up remover, hair serum and under eye moisturizer. Once I’ve emptied this bottle, I plan to drop it at this branch for recycling and purchase another one.

By the way, Human Heart Nature has awesome customer service. Should you be unhappy with any of their products, you can return them for a replacement, refund or credit.


They also have other merchanise such as t-shirts, bags and more!

To know more about Human Heart Nature and their products, I suggest that you visit their website by clicking here. They’re all about the good.