ATV Ride to Chocolate Hills, Bohol

After walking my way down from the Chocolate Hills observation deck, I saw Manong Jun, the habal-habal driver patiently waiting for me. I mounted myself on the back of his motorcycle and we proceeded downhill. I, then, suddenly remembered all the ATV rental shops we passed by earlier. Considering what little money I had with me, I wasn’t so sure whether I should take an ATV tour or not…  After having a long mental debate with myself, I decided to go for it. I had no idea when I can be in Bohol again and I haven’t been on an ATV before. Plus, money can be earned back anyway. #yolo


So I told Manong Jun to wait for me one more time as I take an ATV tour at Chocolate Hills. Thankfully, he obliged.

We then made a stop at one of the ATV rental shops. I just signed a paper, paid some fees and off I went!

No worries if you don’t know how to drive. The ATV is automatic so driving experience is not required and instructions will be given to those who don’t know how to operate it.


The whole tour took about an hour. It was an impulsive decision I did not once regret. My guide was such a professional. He guided me through the woods and meandering trodden paths till we got close to the base of Chocolate Hills. He also took photos and videos of my solitary adventure! I had such a blast!


1. Do not wear white.
2. Do not wear long bottom garments.
3. Slow down when you see puddles.

I was not able to do all of the above since I did not foresee any mud splashing action to happen. So take it from me.


The ATV tour was the highlight of my Chocolate Hills excursion. It’s definitely something that shouldn’t be missed when in Bohol!

ATV tour – 1 hour

ATV rental and miscellaneous fees – 500 PHP

Read about my solo trip to Chocolate Hills here
My Bohol Travel Guide here