Fort San Pedro

Yup. Still posting a blog filled with photos backdated on my Cebu trip last year. This will be the last of the series…

Located in the Pier Area of Cebu City, stands the oldest and smallest triangular bastion fort of the Philippines which was built in the 1500s. 


Above is the marker before the entrance of Fort San Pedro. I don’t remember this the last time I was here (circa 2002).


The entrance of the fort. 


Upon close inspection, you can see that coral stones were used to build this fort.


There’s me standing next to a wall of photos about the founding of Cebu.


The small museum that houses well-preserved artifacts was “closed for maintenance” that day. But in truth, that sign was there to cover up a very embarrassing situation. We read from a local newspaper that day that the artifacts were actually stolen and the museum is now empty. I do hope they retrieved some of the artifacts, if not, all of them by now.


Hello boyfriend! It was his first time to be here. 


Seriously, I don’t see the point of landscaping the grounds of the fort. 


Gwapo de Guardia. Chos! Haha!


Cuerpio de Guardia is the largest building inside the fort. This was where the personnel that manned the fort lived.


An old Japanese tourist guy trailing behind his company to take a photo of them walking ahead of him. Cute.


Oh hey, one of the Japanese tourists got left behind. I kid. Hehe.


The grounds of the fort.

And I have to abruptly end this post with a photo of me with my family and boyfriend as I can start to feel a throbbing pain on the sides of my head. Sorry…


Must. Sleep. Now. Ciao!