Once a Promdi, Always a Promdi

I don’t know if you can remember but I did once mention in one of my previous posts that I was cutting back on unnecessary expenses because I was saving up for something “grand”. And that actually meant another vacation for my boyfriend and I!

Can you guess where we went? I’ll give you a clue…

Is the clue not helping? Okay, squint your eyes real hard for the next clue…

Still not helping at all? Okay, okay, it’s…

Manila! This was when we just arrived at NAIA.

Just look at my face. Absolutely packed full of excitement! Maybe because it was my first time to be in Manila. But don’t get me wrong, I didn’t go to Manila so I could instantly feel higher than other people on the social ladder. It’s just that I’ve always wanted to set my foot somewhere in Luzon and this was a total dream come true for me! And yes, being a “promdi” is no shame! 

Till my next post, keep on following me for more of our Manila adventure!