I am sorry to interrupt my Davao-Gensan series but I have a special announcement to make…


Technicolor Waves of Rhapsody just turned 2 today! Can you believe it? Because I still can’t! I never even thought I would last a year… 

What started out as a mental and writing exercise has now become a hard habit to kick.

I, first, want to give a big, big thanks to my boyfriend. If not for him, this blog would not have existed. His encouragements and gentle prodding lead me to believe that I actually do have the ability to express myself through writing.

Two years ago, I’ve always second-guessed myself because I never was confident enough of my writing skills. It was only through constant blogging that I slowly gained my confidence. Looking back, I know that I have improved so much and I know there is even more room for improvement.

Second, I would like to thank you readers for your support. As cheesy as it may sound, yes, you guys are one of the reasons why I keep on writing. I just want to give you all cyber hugs right now so you can all feel the fuzzy love I have for you. Hehe.

Also, I’m really excited to tell you guys that tomorrow I will have a waterfalling adventure tour (WAT 2.0) with my fellow bloggers (please don’t mind my iffy hair)…


I am very privileged and humbled to meet these lovely people. And I think it’s only right that you should get to know these people too.

Top to Bottom, Left to Right:
Marky Go –
Doi Domasian –
Glen Santillan –
Shugah Pauline Kang –
Tzaddi Esguerra – 
Lisa Marie Mirasol –
Lovette Jam Jacosalem –
Gabriel Billiones Jr. –
Alexander Siacor Singcol Jr. –
John Badawi

Yobz Tolentino (my boyfriend) –
Ferdz Decena –
Fredda Ruth Rosete –
Razaleigh Kate Jumawan –
Kathleen Grace de Garcia –
Clement Dampal –

Please note that this is not everyone. For those who are not in the picture, I will post their names and links as soon as I can get them.

By the way, we all received a shirt, an ID and a special gift pack!


Inside the paper bag are…


Revicon and Enervon to give us that added boost of energy for tomorrow’s waterfalling adventure; Alaxan and Biogesic to combat muscle injuries that might happen; Asian Secrets Lulur Indonesian Whitening Body Scrub to whiten our skin after being exposed for hours to harsh sunlight; Swish mouthwash to have fresh breath; and pH Care Intimate Wash because we need to feel fresh all the way down there too. Haha!

I want to especially mention the sponsors. If not for them, there will be no WAT 2.0!

Iligan Paradise Resort
Jacko’s Kan-Anan
Calda Pizza
Red Planet
NPC Nature’s Park
Tatay’s Grill
Jasmine Pensionne Home
Kopi Luwak
Keepsakes Iligan
GTC Gerona Town Center
Aruma Coffee Lounge
Perfect Wedding
Councilor Frederick Siao
Jesbey’s Diner
Iligan de Piaya
Linamon’s Best
New Horizon
Third Team Media
Iligan City Government
Iligan Chamber

That’s all for now and I gotta go because I have to be up early tomorrow morning. Bisous!