Ice Skating at SM Cagayan de Oro Downtown Premier

SM CDO Downtown Premier just launched Cagayan de Oro’s first ever mobile indoor ice skating rink!

sm cdo ice rink
Photo courtesy of Stefanie Laya Uy

This state-of-the-art installation is situated on the ground floor of the city’s premier urban shopping location so more Filipinos can now enjoy this winter sport in our tropical island nation.

leia khu fitting ice skates

Before you step onto the ice, the skating rink staff will assist you in fitting on a pair of ice skates and walking your way to the rink.

leia khu ice skating polar bear leia khu ice skating polar bear

Ice skating is an exciting sport but it can be a little intimidating, especially for first-timers. Fortunately, there are cute penguin and polar bear skating aids to help with balance so skaters, with little to no experience, can gain confidence inside the rink.

With a little patience and practice, you can slide and glide with ease in no time.

leia khu ice skating

Experience the magic on ice for only 180 PHP per hour on weekdays or 200 PHP per hour on weekends and holidays. Skating aids cost an additional 60 PHP for every 30 minutes. You must be at least 4 feet tall to be able to skate. Please refer to the image below for rules and code of conduct.

sm cdo downtown ice rink rules

Adventures on Ice: Ice Rink Experience is only available for a limited time. Make sure to mark your calendars and create a fun, memorable experience with your friends and family. It’s open from July 25 to September 30, 2018 from 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. only at the coolest place in town – SM CDO Downtown Premier.

adventure on ice tickets giveaway

I had a spectacular time yesterday during their press launch and now it’s your turn. I’m giving away two Adventures on Ice tickets to one lucky winner!


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Tell me your Facebook and Instagram handles plus why you want to win the tickets in the comment section below.

This giveaway contest runs till the 10th of August. The winner will be announced here on the 11th of August. Open to Iligan and Cagayan de Oro residents only.

One thought on “Ice Skating at SM Cagayan de Oro Downtown Premier

  1. What’s not to love on anything related to ice? Since we are in a tropical country, skating might only be a childhood dream for us. However, we do now have an ice skating rink in CDO! Wish granted! It would be amazing to win the tickets because I like figure skating (I watched Michelle Kwan’s videos on figure skating when I was little btw) and I love the feeling of enjoyment when skating. So excited to glide away! *Fingers crossed*

    Facebook: novi.magno
    Instagram: ohheyitsnovi

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