Local Initiative for Holistic Upbringing of Knowledge (L.I.H.U.K.) is a non-government, non-profit group that focuses on community education in preserving and protecting the environment. Together with My World-The UN Global Survey for a Better World, they are launching The Green Weekend to bring awareness on how to lessen plastic waste and working on better solutions towards a cleaner and safer world.
Expect fun and exciting activities such as an inter-school quiz bee, PechaKucha talks, and a free ecobrick workshop. There’s also a bazaar featuring sustainable shops such as Happy Earth Store, Sáku – Handmade & Upcycled, Hands at Work, Strawed, LunhawPH, Living Luntian, and Blessed Potions Bath&Body.
Get FREE The Green Weekend sustainable products such as an upcycled bag, a shampoo bar, a bamboo toothbrush, or Lumad handcrafted products when you…
1. Answer this survey > https://asean.myworld2030.org/partner/adv-phl-10
2. Take a screenshot when you’re done answering.
3. Look for Jessica Wu in the event, show her the screenshot and also a screenshot of the friends you tagged in the comment section of my Facebook page.
Easy peasy!
Hope to see you all tomorrow for The Green Weekend, September 15, 2018, 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. at the Limketkai Activity Center!