Wild Onion Pub and Grub

Centerpoint is the newest dining and entertainment hub located at Domingo Velez Street in Cagayan de Oro City. Lined with karaoke lounges, bars and restaurants, this strip truly comes alive at night.


One of the places to visit is a gastropub called Wild Onion Pub and Grub. They offer a casual dining experience and provide tasty food and specialty drinks at reasonable prices.

Classic Burger and Hiroshima Bombs are some of their best sellers so, of course, we had to try those.


Classic Burger 
Branded for a personal touch, this burger boasts a thick beef patty, packed with veggies that’s sandwiched between fluffy, tender buns. It also came with a side of crispy fries.


Cucumber Lemonade
Served refreshingly ice-cold, this delightful mix of cucumber juice and lemon juice is good for relieving the summer heat.

Hiroshima Bombs
These are croquettes filled with mashed potatoes, mozzarella cheese and jalapeno bits served with a sour cream aioli dip. The Hiroshima Bombs are the bomb! They were flavorsome and surprisingly substantial. To all fellow potato lovers, this is everything you need.

I actually prefer this one over the burger.


Dining at Wild Onion Pub and Grub was such a pleasure. The waiting staff was very accommodating and the food is good.

We will be back soon to try more of their food and when it’s not too early for cocktails. Happy Ending and Gugmang-Giatay sound too interesting too pass. Haha!

Wild Onion Pub and Grub offers:
15% discount on the total food bill every Monday
15% discount on the total food bill every Tuesday for Nurses, every Wednesday for Bank Employees and every Thursday for Teachers

Let Sprockets Cafe Color Your World

In two separate occasions, I invited my friends and family to a restaurant that my friend Rachel owns…


Introducing Sprockets Cafea colorful restaurant that exudes fun, creativity and positive vibes in Cebu City!
I can’t think of a better place to just chill and camwhore all day.

Seriously, no Sprockets trip is ever complete without an obligatory photo op with the rainbow lomo wall, camera cardboard menus and pillows!


L to R: Ferocious Brent, Bombshell Erica, Quirky me, Drop-dead gorgeous Rachel


Oh hello there, Gluttony. Nice to see you again.

By the way, I accidentally spilled my wintermelon tea so… Let’s just rave about their food, shall we?


Moby Fish and Chips. Don’t belittle this seemingly simple dish. I enjoyed it very much! And yes, the dips do go very well with both the fish and fries.


Crispy, crunchy nachos topped with savory salsa. I swear I could finish a bucket of this deliciousness. Yum yum yum! 


Fettupasta in Pesto Cream. One word: NOMS. Pesto cream sauce is, well, creamy and the pasta is al dente. *finger kiss*


Oreo Crepe on the house! Crepe topped with a dollop of vanilla ice cream and then drizzled with caramel and crushed Oreo cookies. There is nothing else I can say except that this is, by far, the best dessert I’ve put in my mouth! ‘Twas gone in a flash! 

I am a self-proclaimed certified Sprocketeer and I highly recommend that you try any of the dishes I mentioned above. I promise you’ll thank me! 

*My boyfriend took the first photo
**Not all photos here are taken on the same date

Zubuchon’s Boneless Lechon

If there’s one thing not a lot of people know about me that would be how much I abhor lechon baboy (roasted pig). 

I do eat pork, okay? But that “distinct smell and taste of lechon” is just something I can’t quite take because it makes me a bit sick in the stomach. 

Yeeeeah… I know, I’m weird like that. I can’t really explain myself why. How I wish I could though. 


Yet, surprise surprise! Many moons ago, I suddenly found myself standing in front of Zubuchon (Escario Central branch) and walked right in with my family and plus-ones.


L to R: 
Angelito (Genelyn’s boyfriend fiance), Genelyn (my maternal 1st-degree cousin who is like a sister to me), me, Yobz (my boyfriend), Nadyn (my sister’s friend), Anna (my sister and only sibling), my mother and my father

And yes, that is a meme photo you see superimposed on my cousin’s fiance’s face. Because I hated looking at his grim face (he totally looked like he didn’t want to be there with us plus I just don’t like him in general), I had to do something about it by plastering a happy face. Ta-da! Problem solved!

I digress… Zubuchon is known for their most sought-after dish, a.k.a. “best pig ever”, boneless lechon. Instead of preparing lechon the traditional way, they take the best part, season it with herbs and spices, spray it with some fresh coconut water and then roast it over charcoal with bamboo poles. 

Does that sound good to you my pork lover readers? I believe I heard a resounding “AMEN”! 

But for those of you who do not eat lechon like me, worry not! They have other things in their menu like… 


FRUIT JUICE! HAHAHA! Kidding! Of course they have other food like… 


Kalabasa soup (pumpkin soup). With all honesty, it’s the best pumpkin soup I’ve tasted so far. It’s rich, creamy and, of course, delicious! You guys have got to try it yourselves! We kept fighting over the last drop. Trust me.


This is also a very interesting dish. It’s fries topped with crushed chicharon (pork cracklings). Nothing extraordinary. But definitely not your usual fries I say.

I believe we had more food on the table but I was too hungry to take photos of them… Sorry. You can check what other food items they serve by clicking here.


And finally, the V.I.P. (“very important pork”), boneless lechon.

I was definitely hestitant to give it a try but after a few sniffs and not detecting that “distinct lechon-y smell” which I find foul, I digged in. You know what they say, “Never say never!" 

As I was prodding it with my fork, I observed that it has passed the ”lechon standard test". Crispy skin, check. Tender meat, check. Juicyliciousness, check. 

They may say it’s a different spin on the traditional lechon but I could almost say it’s just glorified liempo 

My cousin made an odd comment about how the boneless lechon reminded her of Century Tuna. When she said that, I can’t pretend to disagree. Funny but true!

Just to clear things out, it does NOT tastes like tuna but somehow Zubuchon’s boneless lechon and Century Tuna have similiar seasonings I should say. 

My verdict? Well, Zubuchon has made me a reluctant convert. I can now, in fact, withstand the taste of lechon once again. Even for just a-teensy-while. And coming from someone who abhors lechon, that means a lot. I have to give them props for this. 

So is Zubuchon the best lechon then? Nah, I don’t think so. But it is more than your average lechon and, does in fact, deserve a try!

Exploring the Heart of the Philippines (Part Two)

On Day Three, my boyfriend took me the “Old City”, this is the historical center of Iloilo where structures with Spanish architecture abound.

Usually, we went around Iloilo in a taxi cab but at this time we were fully committing to the whole “real street” experience so we took jeepney rides.

You probably can’t tell from the photo but the jeepneys in Iloilo look different from the ones in Iligan. There, the jeepneys are generally stubby at the front and are very elongated at the back; And what’s great is that they are also wider. Therefore, it’s more spacious and it keeps you from feeling really cramped inside when more people get in.

Old structures are pretty evident.

We were about to grab some lunch at Crave Burger, a burger joint that my boyfriend was incessantly talking about ever since this happened.

That beautiful water fountain (just right in the center of the city) distracted me.

Here is a peek of what’s inside Crave Burger. I like how the look and feel of this place seem to be very cozy and inviting. And I especially love how we didn’t have to wait so long for our food to be done. I think we only waited like 10 minutes tops. Now here’s what we had…

Twister Fries. Seriously, who doesn’t love twister fries? They’re not only fun to look at but their also fun to eat. I love how the fries were done.

Crave Ultimate Burger. This burger…

Wait! Somehow, a funny random thought just came across my mind.
The burger in the photo reminds me of this…

A wild Pokémon appears!
Notice the resemblance? Now, who’s that Pokémon?

Anyway, back to where I was…
The burger contains 100% beef patty seasoned to perfection, topped with maple bacon, American cheese, lettuce, caramelized onions and a slice of relish pickle. I love how everything in this burger is in perfect harmony with each other (and now I’m shaking my head and wishfully thinking to have a good twelve-month supply of Crave Ultimate Burger shipped to me right now).

And finally the dessert…

A pint of green tea ice cream. I’d like to just put it out there that green tea ice cream may not be everybody’s cup of tea (no pun intended!). Some might dismiss this after their first try. But I personally love it. I enjoy how its flavor develops after every spoonful.

Once we were done, we took a bus to Miagao to see this marvelous centuries-old church that I’ve been wishing to see with my very own eyes.

But before I go show-and-tell, I feel the need to say that bus rides in the entire Panay Island are uncomfortable (and dangerous–will talk about this in a different post) in general.

Not because all their buses in this island are dilapidated, like in the photo above (certainly this is not the case), but rather because they forcibly accommodate more people than the actual sitting capacity.

For jeepneys, it’s a norm anywhere in the Philippines. But for buses? We are talking about long-distance trips here. I was literally sitting for two hours with one of my butt cheeks hanging out from the edge of the seat because I was sharing a two-sitter seat with two other strangers. But left without any choice, there was really no room for me to complain…

Boy, I was glad when I finally saw Miagao Church because it sort of justified my butt-balancing act.

Isn’t it beautiful?

The front doors look like some kind entrance to a royal castle. I actually wished to get married here but now I am starting to have second thoughts all thanks to the gruesome butt-numbing two-hour ride.

After marveling at its beauty for a while, we took two jeepney rides so we can go back to Harbor Town Hotel (yes, we moved again) immediately because we were already getting tired.

Trivia: Harbor Town Hotel is owned by my boyfriend’s relatives. Remember his cousins who treated us dinner? Yup, them. Apparently, they also offered us to stay in their hotel for free. They’re a lifesaver.

But on our way back to the hotel, we stopped for a while and grabbed the opportunity to take a photo of Molo Church.

Actually, there are lots and lots of beautiful old churches scattered in Iloilo. However, it is impossible for me to take photos of them all considering our very limited time and our physical condition then (we both got sick after Day Two and that still continued even a week after the end of our trip).

Since this post is already miles long, I’ll end it now with what we had for dinner at Ponsyon by Breakthrough.

From top to bottom: Sizzling Sisig Bangus, Crab Fat Rice (just by mere looking at it gives me hypertension!), Crab in Coconut Milk Soup and Fried Shrimps.

I’ve never had a freakin’ delicious seafood feast like this for dinner!

I thought this post is going to be shorter than the last one. My mistake.

Pokémon photo courtesy of gtsplus.net

The featured Pokémon is Shellder in case you still haven’t figured that out.